Women’s Ministries Mission Statement  

Women’s Ministries exist to meet the needs of women inside and outside the walls of the church. We seek to disciple, encourage, and cultivate women to grow emotionally and spiritually; to be women of virtue.  



For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which  God hath before ordained that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10 KJV)  


Vision Statement

Our vision is for all women, saved and unsaved to seek a sincere faith through an intimate relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  


Purpose Statement   

Our purpose is to enlist and encourage all women to  Jesus  Christ;  to equip women with biblical principles for daily living, and to demonstrate the love of Christ by serving women in and outside of FBC.


Royal Women Investors

FBC Women’s Ministries “Royal Women Investors” strive to provide services that empower women in the church and within the community. We recognize that all women need a relationship with our Lord and Savior who is the ultimate healer of wounds and brokenness.  We also recognize that women need loving genuine relationships with other women. Therefore we provide services to comfort, mentor, fellowship and pray  women through issues and life struggles  


We also recognize that first and foremost women need biblical teaching and opportunities to use their spiritual gifts to further God’s kingdom. Therefore we provide activities for women to find value in their relationship with the Master and to be empowered to grow to their fullest potential in Christ. 


As followers of Christ, we are mandated to share the good news of Jesus Christ to lost women and women who have lost their way. Our Team is ready to enlist and empower all women to Invest in one another, for the edification and service of God’s Ministry. 




Corporate Prayer Call Saturday, Feb 8 @ 8:00 AM
Grief Share Saturday, Feb 8 @ 10:00 AM
Worship Service Sunday, Feb 9 @ 10:00 AM
Senior Breakfast Tuesday, Feb 11 @ 10:00 AM
Corporate Prayer Call Wednesday, Feb 12 @ 11:30 AM


Sunday Morning

10:00 AM  Worship Service


Wednesday Midday & Evening

11:30 AM Prayer

12:00 PM  Bible Study

7:00 PM  Bible Study

Get DirectionsGet A Ride
204 0dessa Ave.
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: (925) 432-7498
Email: [email protected]

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