Fine Arts Ministry

fine arts ministry acts of kindness

Fine Arts Ministry

The Fine Arts Ministry of First Baptist Church-Pittsburg, CA seeks to equip, empower and mobilize those who have been gifted by God in the arts to use their gifts to glorify God to the fullest, build the body of Christ and lead others into the presence of God with the gifts He has given us.


Our vision is to build dancers, actors, singers who have one, and only one, desire which is to worship God and to edify His people.


Drama Ministry

Scripture:  1 Corinthians 12:4-6 ESV “Now there are a varieties of gifts, but the same spirit: and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord: and there varieties of activities, but is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.”


Mission Statement:

Our mission is to encourage others that through various skits and plays with the intent of connecting audience and story, bringing out circumstances of life hereby showing there is hope in Christ Jesus.


Purpose Statement:

Glorifying Christ by proclaiming the word of God through Dramatic performance.


Vision Statement:

To minister in such a way that would be acceptable to God and would enhance the spiritual experience of the worshipers.


Dance Ministry:

Scripture:  Psalm 149:3:” Let him praise His name in dance”


Mission Statement:

To encourage and uplift God’s people while conveying His message through expressive movements of the body and the emotional and spiritual connection of the soul, all made possible by the direction of the Holy Spirit. Through praise dance, the lyrics of songs inspired by God’s Word come to life and allow for an opportunity to experience God’s glorious presence.


Purpose Statement: 

To glorify God and minister to people through dance as we visually interpret selected songs to express the message of God’s good news.


Vision Statement:

To encourage the people through dance and introduce them to the endless possibilities they have through faith and developing a meaningful and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


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Corporate Prayer Call Saturday, Feb 8 @ 8:00 AM
Grief Share Saturday, Feb 8 @ 10:00 AM
Worship Service Sunday, Feb 9 @ 10:00 AM
Senior Breakfast Tuesday, Feb 11 @ 10:00 AM
Corporate Prayer Call Wednesday, Feb 12 @ 11:30 AM


Sunday Morning

10:00 AM  Worship Service


Wednesday Midday & Evening

11:30 AM Prayer

12:00 PM  Bible Study

7:00 PM  Bible Study

Get DirectionsGet A Ride
204 0dessa Ave.
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: (925) 432-7498
Email: [email protected]

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