What To Expect

Thank you for visiting our website. Please enjoy your time here, click around to learn more about our ministries and what we believe, read through the Frequently Asked Questions below and let us know if you have any further questions.


We invite you to experience First Baptist in person. We know that looking for a new church can be intimidating, so whether you’ve grown up in church, never been to church, or are coming back to church, our desire is that you feel welcomed and accepted. We look forward to meeting you, your family and friends!


What kind of church is First Baptist?

First Baptist Church of Pittsburg is a Baptist congregation church founded upon God’s Word. Baptist churches are Protestant Christian churches in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs.


Membership in a congregational church carries a special privilege: it is the privilege of partnership. Our members are invited to join us in advancing the Kingdom of God through sound biblical teaching, discipleship, ministry outreach, and global missions.


What time and how long are your Sunday Services?

First Baptist offers one service on Sunday at 10:00am. Our services offer great contemporary music, a relevant message, a welcoming, loving atmosphere, and friendly people who are eager to meet you and connect with you.


Our services last approximately 1.5 hours. We recommend arriving about 15 minutes before the service to allow time for parking and seating.


What is your worship like?

Worship is a high priority for First Baptist, as we believe our praise ushers in the Holy Spirit. We are excited to use our anointed time of praise and worship as an avenue to worship God. We want everyone who comes through the door to experience the life changing power of worship through the preached word, music, and prayer.


Where will my children go?

First Baptist is a family-friendly church with a strong commitment to building a Godly foundation in our children. We offer specialized worship service for children – from four years of age through fifth grade.


Children's Church is provided during our 10:00am Service every 1st,3rd,4th Sunday's


The leadership of FBC is committed to providing a safe environment for the children and youth attending our church or church-sponsored activities. To prevent child abuse, policies and procedures have been written to protect our children, youth, employees, volunteers and the entire church family.


In an effort to accomplish this, we have several security measures in place to protect our children, youth, their parents, and the church including a criminal background check on all adults working with minors.


These guidelines are put in place, not based on a lack of trust, but based on the need to protect our children, youth, employees, volunteers and the entire church body.


Operational procedures include:

  • Parents are required to sign their children in and out of Children’s Church/Bible Study or Sunday School.

  • No child/youth is permitted in the play area without supervision of a children’s/youth staff member.

  • All children are taken to the restroom with an adult/youth worker of the same sex and one additional child.

  • All adults working in a classroom are REQUIRED to wear an FBC Children’s Ministry name badge or ministry attire.

  • Children & youth are not allowed to wander around the church.

  • The children’s ministry operates by the “two adults” rule, which means no adult shall be left alone with a child and requires a reasonable ratio of adult workers to be maintained in each situation involving the supervision of children.




All of our children and youth ministries allow your children to experience the promises of God through praise, worship and biblical instruction, according to Matthew 19:14.


What should I wear?

Many people dress up, and just as many come dressed casually. When you worship with us you should be comfortable. Your comfort may be traditional church attire, jeans and sneakers or business casual. Come as you are! 


Will I be asked to give an offering?

As a guest, you are welcome but not expected to make an offering. The Tithes and Offerings portion of our service is a time of celebration at First Baptist. Our members are excited to give as part of their commitment to God and the church, according to Luke 6:38.


As a visitor, will I have to say anything or be singled out?

You will not be asked to say anything or introduce yourself as a visitor. As our way of welcoming you, we do ask all of our First Time Visitors to stand so that we may greet you. You will be given a guest information card to fill out if you would like more information about our church. If you prefer not to stand, that is fine, too. We do not want you to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable.


If I need prayer, will First Baptist pray for me?

First Baptist is a praying church. During most services, we invite you to come forward for prayer. An invitation is given after each service for those who are in need of salvation or prayer to come forward and be prayed for by a member of our intercessory prayer team. If you wish, you may also send prayer requests through the SUBMIT PRAYER REQUEST tab on our website or call the church office. Your prayer request will be forwarded to one of our ministry leaders.


Does your church take Communion?

Communion is taken on the first Sunday of each month. All believers in Christ are welcome to participate. 1 Corinthians 11:23-29


Will I have a chance to meet the Pastor?

Pastor Perkins looks forward to meeting visitors. He is usually available in front of the sanctuary to greet visitors and friends, as well as speak with those who have questions about the church or the message of the morning.


Who attends First Baptist?

Our members and visitors are young and old, single and married, with and without children. The majority of our members are families with children and teenagers, but there are also those who are young married couples, and singles of all ages.


Need More Information?

On Sunday mornings, greeters, ushers and friendly First Baptist members are always on hand to talk with you and answer any questions you might have about our church. You may also contact the church office at 925-432-7498 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We look forward to getting to know you!


We welcome people from all backgrounds and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!




Corporate Prayer Call Saturday, Feb 8 @ 8:00 AM
Grief Share Saturday, Feb 8 @ 10:00 AM
Worship Service Sunday, Feb 9 @ 10:00 AM
Senior Breakfast Tuesday, Feb 11 @ 10:00 AM
Corporate Prayer Call Wednesday, Feb 12 @ 11:30 AM


Sunday Morning

10:00 AM  Worship Service


Wednesday Midday & Evening

11:30 AM Prayer

12:00 PM  Bible Study

7:00 PM  Bible Study

Get DirectionsGet A Ride
204 0dessa Ave.
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: (925) 432-7498
Email: [email protected]

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