The City Council normally meets at 7:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in the City Council Chambers located at the Pittsburg Civic Center at 65 Civic Avenue.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The City Council encourages your participation at City Council meetings. Opportunities for the public to address the City Council are provided under the Public Comments, Consent Calendar and Public Hearing portions of the agenda. However, state law prohibits the City Council from taking action on any item not listed on the agenda, unless special determinations are made relating to the urgency and timing of the item. This item must be approved by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. If you wish to address the City Council please complete a speaker card and the Mayor will call upon you. Depending upon the number of speakers, the Mayor may determine that a speaking time limit is necessary.
For more details visit: http://www.ci.pittsburg.ca.us/index.aspx?page=110